Shop small!  You will not regret it!

Shop small! You will not regret it!

Yes, you read that correctly we will be starting a shop small blog.  This blog will be mainly devoted to featuring some of the small businesses we have fallen for since we ourselves started our own small business.  Competing with the big guys (ie: Amazon, Walmart) has never been our goal, rather showcasing our talents and making it available to the locals in our community.  We think that resonates with these makers as well.  Making a handmade product will always bring more satisfaction and joy that the big box store.  Nothing against Walmart, we still shop retail when we need too.  My ramblings aside, we want to showcase some of the businesses we have been long time fans of, whom we are repeat buyers of, working on collaborations with or just really admired and looked up to. 

This blog will focus on the maker and the products they love to create.  Perhaps we can add a new maker to your own list of shop small/local businesses.  We will be starting closer to home, here in Canada.  From the east coast of Prince Edward Island to the west of British Columbia we will bring you some real amazing artists.  We hope you enjoy!


Rylan and Alex @IMC

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